Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 31: How to Be True to Yourself and Build Your Business Around Your Strengths



Stacey Howe-Lott never planned to become an entrepreneur, but that’s exactly what she ended up doing. After launching an online tutoring business, Stacey has helped countless kids learn how to take on the SATs and ACTs while also learning how to run her business. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Gabe and Stacey talk about taking the path less traveled, utilizing your strengths and time efficiency. Identify a Need Stacey holds a Master’s degree in education but ended up taking a different career path. Over time, she began tutoring and eventually this led to helping students prepare for the SATs. While sorting through the available practice materials, Stacey realized the quality was incredibly poor, so she made her own preparatory materials. “If anyone else had done a remotely okay job, I wouldn’t have become an entrepreneur. But there was nothing else, and it was so pathetic what was out there,” Stacey explains. Use Your Strengths Initially, the SAT math was difficult, and marketing continues to