Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 12: Easily Get to the Root of Procrastination



Procrastination can completely derail a project and cause items to perpetually linger on your to-do list. Understanding the causes of procrastination can help you defeat the problem at the source and regain your productivity. Lisa of Impactive Strategies and Gabe of Business Marketing Engine discuss procrastination in an attempt to understand it. Learn what triggers to look out for to keep procrastination at bay. Defining Procrastination Confusion can arise between deferring and procrastination. Deferring is the act of reprioritizing based on available resources. For instance, you may choose to defer or delay a project or task because finances will be better in the future, or you will have more availability. Shifting priorities and making the best use of the resources available is not procrastination - it is deferring. Procrastination is when you have every intent of completing a task, but you just don’t. Procrastination Triggers Procrastination is often the symptom of another problem. Identify what is hold