Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 11: Miles Anthony Says Cryptocurrencies Are More Fun



In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders with Gabe Arnold, we meet Los Angeles entrepreneur Miles Anthony. Miles founded Flux Chargers, a company that designs and sells portable phone chargers. In just two years, Miles went from door-to-door sales to an automated revenue stream. After scaling his first business, Milles founded Flux Ventures. This holding company manages more than $200k in cryptocurrencies. Strategies for Business Success Miles advocates blogging to grow your business. Content marketing is a passive way to generate new leads for your company. Miles shares how he used his blog, The Crypto Times, to network with leaders in cryptocurrency. Aside from your product, Miles believes authentic relationships are the most important thing in business. He talks about choosing business partners based on attitude and communication. Miles employs specific strategies that help him stay on track and make his ideas happen. He keeps track of everything he does and makes time for the most important projects.