Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 3: The Right Stuff: What it Takes to Become Successful



Gabe Arnold, founder and CEO of Business Marketing Engine, sits down with Vlad Mkrtumyan, founder of the company Logic Inbound. In “Today’s Business Leaders,” BME’s regular podcast, Gabe picks the brains of other successful entrepreneurs to see how they got to where they are today. Vlad is still a pretty young guy (at least as far as the calendar is concerned). At 26, he has had many business successes and a fair share of failed business attempts, but such setbacks have offered valuable insight, and he has parlayed these successes and missteps into Logic Inbound. In "Today's Business Leaders," each episode is more of a fun and casual exploration of the nature of entrepreneurship, rather than a standard interview. In this case, Vlad and Gabe discuss the different benefits of utilizing a specific skillset. Interestingly enough, they started off on two different sides of the same coin. Vlad has always been great on the networking side; meeting people and bringing them together. As such, he believ