Feminist Killjoys, Phd

EP 65: Feminist Roundtable with Smash Everything and Flex Your Heart Radio



This week we are joined by friends-of-the-podcast, Lacy Davis (Flex Your Heart Radio) and Molly Woodstock (Smash Everything). We united in this feminist-podcaster roundtable to answer listener-submitted questions about fitness and ED recovery, witch and woo practices, workplace struggles, and more. TIMELINE:: Check-ins until 11:00 Roundtable thereafter *** INTRO: "Top Floor" GRRRL PRTY OUTRO: Silence brought to you by Mel forgetting *** Subscribe on iTunes & leave a review. Follow us on the Gram, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out our Feminist Killjoys, PhD Mixtape on the Fy. Have some extra dollars and want to support feminist media-makers? Consider donating to our Patreon or as a one-time thing at our website. All Patreons now receive our FKJ, PHD newsletter AND $5+ peeps get bonus eps about The Bachelorette. So become a Patreon today! *insert jingle music here* And of course, feel free to email Melody back in 2005 at fkj.phd@gmail.com *** WTF (women/trans/femme) POWER!