Refinery Church

Invitation Parable



In one of Jesus’ parables he describe the priorities in God’s Kingdom by illustrating the importance of proactively inviting people to come to God’s Table. He challenges and reminds us that ALL are welcome to be a part of His Kingdom described as a great feast. Jesus uses the occasion of a dinner at the home of a pious religious leader, called a Pharisee, to illustrate the love, compassion and inclusiveness of God. He encourages us to prioritize inviting EVERYONE to come into a relationship with God through the parable of a great feast and the invitations extended to various groups of people. In the message we learn the practical ways to invite people to “partake in the meal” God has prepared called eternal life. There are 3 ways we can participate: 1. TAKE: Proactively take opportunities to share your testimony 2. LOOK: Look for needs that arise, be “Jesus” to people. 3. INVITE: Invite and meet people here for services at REFINERY