Refinery Church

Waiting Time



Life happens in seasons. There is a reason for each season and a purpose in the process. During each season we experience times of “waiting” that can test our patience, persistence and faith. But it’s during these times of “waiting” that God does the most work on growing us into the person He has created and called us to be. As we go through life seasons, we are challenged when it appears that nothing is happening. We work hard and see little results for our efforts. We experience dry times in a relationship. We wonder if there is more to the “dead-end” job that we are doing. These are the “waiting” times in each season. They are difficult and test our faith. But we discover in the Bible that we can do 3 things during the “waiting” that will help us thrive forward. Those things are REFLECT, REMIND, and REJOICE. Active waiting will result in stronger faith and more joy-filled seasons. “But those who WAIT on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not