Refinery Church

Unshakable Prayer



How do I pray? This is a question that has been asked in each generation. Also, is it possible to see real results when I pray? The answer is yes. The Bible give clear instruction on how to pray in a way that sees powerful results. Daniel’s example give us practical keys to prayer that we can use during times of chaos and crisis. Daniel’s life was marked by an unshaken faith in the face of chaos and crisis. On many occasions, he is threatened with loss of job, reputation and life if he did not compromise his convictions. He demonstrates the principles and practice that sustained him and brought peace and deliverance into every situation. That practice is daily prayer. We discover in Chapter 9 that Daniel had 5 Key-Prayer-Points that he used when facing overwhelming challenges. Those points are: LISTENING-FOCUSING-BEING REAL-BEING THANKFUL-CONFESSING.