Refinery Church

Beat The Heat



What do you do when you are in a crisis? Are you able to see beyond the pain to the big picture? Are you able to look to God for answers? When we go through crisis/pressure, God can work in and through these painful situation to deliver us, grow us and strengthen our faith. We only have to strive to have unshakable faith to get us through fire and “Beat The Heat.” The OT Book of Daniel chapter 3 shows us how to face times of crisis. Three of Daniel’s friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were thrown into a blazing furnace because they would not compromise their values and beliefs. But through their crisis, we see God miraculously deliver them and show us how we can trust Him do the same for us. We can “Beat The Heat” of a life crisis by remembering these 4 faith facts: GOD WILL WALK WITH ME - GOD WILL BURN OFF WHAT TIES ME DOWN - GOD WILL MAKE SURE I AM UNHARMED - IT WILL BRING UNBELIEVERS TO GOD.