Refinery Church

When the heat is on (Part 1)



Have you ever felt the pressure of a deadline, the pressure of expectation at work, at home, or the pressure of peers? Pressure is real but doesn’t have to cause us to be shaken. When the “heat is on” we can look to God’s Word to see how to face life’s pressures. There are practical ways found in Daniel chapter 3 that gives us confidence to stand up to pressure and remain unshaken. The OT Book of Daniel chapter 3 shows us how to face life’s pressures. Three of Daniel’s friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were pressured by the leaders of their society to compromise their values, convictions and faith. We see that the same things that happened then are happening today in our culture. But their examples show us how we can withstand the pressure and experience God’s miraculous provision and protections. In this message, Pastor Kelly shows how we can face life’s pressures when the “heat is on”.