Refinery Church

Hard & Rocky



The human heart is like soil. God gives his Word, like seed, to produce life. A hard & rocky heart will hinder the affects of His Word. But there are ways to soften a hardened heart. In our continued exploration of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, we discover that there are different types of soil that affect root development and growth. HIs Word is like seed and the human heart is the soil by which it is planted. There are elements that harden a heart such as an Unthankful & Critical Attitude, Unforgivenss, Bitterness, and Jealousy. These things are like concrete in our hearts. Troubles of life are like rocks hindering root growth. God offers a way to softed a hard & rocky heart Isaiah 44:3 “For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children.” The Holy Spirit softens a hard heart like water on hardpack