Refinery Church

Fertile Soil



God’s Word is like seed planted in the heart of mankind. Fertile soil has the best conditions for fruitfulness. There are 3 ways to foster a fertile heart that results in seeing God’s promises come to pass in our lives: Tilling, Fertilizing, and Watering. In this final look at one of Jesus’ parable found in Mark Chapter 4, “The Sower”, we see that fertile soil yields crops of harvest 30, 60 even 100 times what is planted. Like fertile soil, a heart that is receptive to God’s Word will produce a harvest of blessings. There are 3 ways to foster a fertile heart; 1. Till The Soil (Pride vs. Humility) Proverbs 3:34 2. Fertilize The Soil (Trials, Tests) James 1:2-4 3. Water The Soil (Meditating on God’s Word) Joshua 1:8 Good soil will produce good fruit. It can result in 100% of God’s Word to coming to pass in our lives. Our responsibility is to work the soil of the heart to be fertile and receptive.