Refinery Church

The Seed



“You will grow what you sow.” The parable Jesus teaches of the farmer who plants (sows) seed is a lesson that is relevant for our lives today. The seed represents God’s Word. If planted in our hearts, daily, will reap a harvest of life. In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 4, Jesus teaches his followers a parable about a farmer who plants (sows) seed and then illustrates the varies degrees of harvest. This parable is used to illustrate the importance of “planting/sowing” God’s Word into our heart on a daily basis. The potential for peace, joy, fulfillment and success in our life, relationships and careers is all found in “the seed” - God’s Word (The Bible). It’s more that a good book or history book or moral book; it is truth and life to those who will take it and apply it to their lives. Prov 4:22 “…for they (God’s Words) are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”