Feminist Killjoys, Phd

Ep 29: Growing Up with Melody & Raechel (and why we'll never say "adulting")



Today Melody and Raechel discuss the challenges of growing up as feminist, punk, queer rebel grrrls. How do we navigate embracing things we once cringed at (like buying a house or thinking seriously about children)? Can we do normal adult milestone things without being normative? Does it matter? We also take a minute to check-in about the trainwreck that was the first presidential debates, and give our RWLs of the week! *** ❤ Subscribe on iTunes & leave a review! Follow us on Instagram! And Facebook! And Twitter! Check out our Feminist Killjoys, PhD Mixtape on Spotify! Have some extra dollars and want to support feminist media-makers? Consider donating to our Patreon or as a one-time thing at our website. OR! email us at fkj.phd@gmail.com❤