Refinery Church

The Tree



Healthy roots lead to abundant fruit. This is true in pomology (study of fruit trees) and anthropology (study of human life). God created us to live a life that is “fruitful” like a tree. Our “roots” dictate the level of fruitfulness in our lives. Through out the Bible, God uses the tree as an example of a life that is productive, growing and fruitful. In the same way, God has created each person to be productive, growing and fruitful like a healthy tree. Specifically, God is calling REFINERY Church to be like a Hass Avacado tree. In this introductory message, Pastor Kelly begins a series called “ROOTED: A foundation for a better you.” He illustrates that just like a productive, fruitful tree needs healthy roots, people need to strengthen their “roots” to become the person God has created and called them to be. “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.Such trees are not b