Refinery Church

Honor Matters



Honor is a Biblical principle that seems irrelevant and outdate in today’s society. Honor is more that an admired quality found in “heroes”. It is a value, that if practiced daily will result in huge benefits that affect personal relationships and reputation. There is a matter of the heart that affects our daily life. It’s a principle, that if genuinely applied will result in greater influence, stronger relationships, healthier family life, promotions at work, and success at school. But if this “matter of the heart”…this principle… is ignored, it will result in broken relationships, frustrated family life, struggles at work, and a bad reputation. It’s the Biblical principle of HONOR. In this message, and the next few, Pastor Kelly explores the Bible to find out WHAT is honor? WHY does it matter and HOW we can live a lifestyle of honor? In addition, he reveals the benefits and rewards that come when we live as a person of honor.