Refinery Church

It Starts With Fear



God is not some supernatural being that is looking to destroy our world? He is love and deserves our utmost respect. He want’s us to have wisdom and that begins with “The Fear of The Lord”. What is “The Fear of The Lord? Am I suppose to be afraid of God like some mythical character that is looking to squish me like a bug? From Genesis to Revelation, this topic is repeated over and over. The Old Testament book of Proverbs lists the phase “The Fear of The Lord” 15 times. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” In other words, the fear of the Lord is the starting point, the launching pad for knowledge & wisdom. We are not talking about the FEAR that we feel when we see a mouse, lizard or spider. We are talking about FEAR that could be described as: RESPECT, REVERENCE and RECOGNITION. “Healthy Fear of God” is based in a love relationship.