Victim To Victor With Victor Pacini




Get the Mp3 transcript here When we don’t understand the power imbalance of an abusive relationship, it’s easy to judge a victim of domestic violence. Why victims stay is not simple to explain nor is every abusive relationship the same. However, we can look at common abuser tactics and why so many victims feel trapped and unable to leave. First of all, abusers do not start off as abusive. Abusers can be incredibly charismatic, kind, and even gentle in the honeymoon phase. They know that in order to gain the trust, love, and loyalty we so often want out of HEALTHY relationships, they must play the part; They manipulate their partner into believing they are a good person. -------------------- Get Your Free Copy Of Victor Pacini's Book, The Erin's Law Solution: The Safe Way To Teach Sexual Abuse Awareness to Students that Gives Social Workers, Teachers, and Parents Peace of Mind. ----