Gregg Cook/deep Health Evolution With Jonas Cohen

004 The 5 Tenets of Health & Longevity. SLEEP: Part 1 of 2



There are few things better than waking up from a night of blissful uninterrupted sleep. Yet for many of us, getting enough sleep is more challenging than running a marathon. While we may be well acquainted with the effects of being sleep-deprived, you may be surprised to learn that there are consequences that go well beyond the short term effects of being foggy and irritable. In fact, even if you’re dialing in your nutrition and exercise, it could very well be sleeplessness that’s making you fat! In this first part of a 2-part episode, Gregg explains sleep’s vital role in weight loss and overall health and its importance for staving off chronic medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Finally, think you know why you’re so sleep deprived? Gregg lays out several surprising factors that are probably keeping you up at night. Get ready to start and end your day on the right foot! Next week in Part 2, Gregg brings us lots of great ways to get the rest we all need. M