Film Punch Podcast

Film Punch Ep. 26:Persepolis(2007) starring Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, and Gena Rowlands



Listen to us Film Punch "Persepolis" directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud starring Chiarra Mastrojani, Cahterine Deneuve, and Gena Rowlands Film Punch is a podcast where we record our reactions to a film that we've just watched right beforehand. We are a meetup group. ITunes:…d1039201310?mt=2 Follow us on twitter: @FilmPunchMeetup E-mail us: "Persepolis" is the story of Marjane Satrapi's life growing up during the Iranian Revolution. Marjane hates the oppressive regime and her parents send her abroad, fearing for her safety. She struggles to fit in outside of Iran and even when she later goes back home, she finds that she's changed nearly as much as the country she left.