Pennies In The Well

Episode 39 - Making Time, Covens Stealing Men & Waking Up



Can you believe how long it's been since my last episode?  Yes, so can I.  Time flies when you've too much on the go.  And even when there's less.  Regardless, here and now we are, with a fresh episode for your listening pleasure?  perusal?  propinquity?  (I'm not even sure what that means but it was fun to type.) We start with an exploration of one way to approach prioritizing in your life. Then there's a break for Fruitcakes, the Jimmy Buffet song, for reasons that are important personally.   I share a brand new project that is at its first and beginning, a birthday gift to my coven mate, though if it becomes useful and used, it shall last longer than the year I've paid for the domain name.  :)  C'mon, you know you wanna look. This episode is brought to us by the Hanged Man and Kenaz. And we conclude with a rousing rendition of Part 1 of Crowley's Wake World.   Enjoy! Saturn,The Abysmal Witch.