Annie And Danny's Fastpass Podcast

Ep 94 - Silent Hill Sex



Annie and Dan return this week to discuss, among other things, how to know if you're lucid dreaming, safe sex positions for people with bad knees, and also some Disney News of the week. The Disney news focuses on the announced opening dates for Animal Kingdom's Rivers of Light, and Animal Kingdom's Pandora. Dan is much more excited about it than Annie. In other news, Disney has announced some additional in-room dining options at the Contemporary Hotel and Yacht Club. They've started a new VIP Tour for Magic Kingdom. Lastly the two discuss the cool effects on the Shanghai Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean. The main topic for the evening is not only fun, but also a Civics lesson. Annie and Dan separately came up with their Cabinet of Disney Characters, where they choose characters to fill the traditional US Cabinet positions. It's Edutainment!