Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Hello From the Other Side of Weight-Loss



Watch the LIVE Recording: https://www.facebook.com/John.bukenas/videos/10223160054606694/ John is wrestling with Impostor Syndrome when thinking about starting a new podcast and we discuss the reactions to Adele’s stunning weight-loss and the picture she posted on Instagram. Emily is gearing up to go into maintenance mode for a while with her weight-loss and starting to reprioritize in her life. When we record this, we are currently in the midst of the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic. We strive to be as accurate as possible on our podcast, but we are not experts. Please refer to the CDC website guidelines for information or any questions you may have. New to Hate to Weight? Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll never miss an episode and so you can listen to all the back episodes! Don’t forget, you can talk to us and other Weighters while we record by going to the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook. We record every Thursday at 11 a.m.! Call in your WINS or RANTS anytime! 760-WINNING -— 760-946-6464 We