Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 53: Are you going to BE viral or vital?



In Episode 53: Are you going to BE viral or vital? I discuss: The thoughts I had when someone in my circle mentioned the different between being viral or vital and how the difference lies in the focus of short term versus longterm approach for all areas of your life. While being "viral" seems fun and things get done fast, you may want to shift your focus into being vital and focusing on the longer term game and gains. This approach conserves your time, energy and effort and creates the foundation for all areas of your life and in your business. I'm headed for about you?  Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. CLICK HERE to take assess if you are living based on your purpose daily! Episode: You ALWAYS have a CHOICE Episode: Do you focus on the problem or the plan?  Join me on my FB page for DAILY posts and videos on strategic and energetic techni