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Avoiding the Handshake | Ep #44



In today's era of the threat of Coronavirus, we've entered a world of wanting to avoid shaking people's hands in professional settings. When interviewing for a job, can you decline the handshake greeting or farewell and still make a good impression? In this episode, Angee will share a couple of tips for taking the lead on not shaking someone's hand - whether in an interview, sealing the deal or saying goodbye. It will feel a bit awkward at first, but as we all get used to this "hands off" culture, people will begin to get more comfortable with other forms of connecting. One example of a way to convey warmth and openness when greeting someone without a handshake is to put your hand on your heart as you look the person in the eye and say hello. This may be a natural gesture for some, but if not for you, then find something that works better and practice with friends or colleagues to get more comfortable. For now, and for the unforeseen future, staying healthy has to be the priority of all of us -- avoiding the