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Hiring for Success in 3-6-12 Months | Ep #38



A simple job description is never enough when trying to hire the best talent. Whether you have tons of experience hiring, or it's your first time adding a new member to your team, this podcast will share a quick tip on how to define what success looks like for the new hire in their first three, six and 12 months. When Angee works with clients, she creates a Success Profile that really outlines how the person being hired will help the organization achieve their business goals. Regardless of the level of hire, all hiring leaders can benefit by spelling out what you want your new team member to accomplishment. To do that, imagine you're having a conversation with your new hire one year after their start date. Looking back, what do you hope they achieved? Think about the responsibilities of the role – that goes into your job description. And then think about the results you want that person to achieve – those specifics go into the success profile with a time frame for when you hope those things will be accomplish