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Happy Thanksgiving | Ep #34 D2BD Short



Thanksgiving is a time we reflect on the people and things in our lives for which we are grateful. Part of daring to be deliberate is to express gratitude all year long. As I was thinking about what I wanted to share on this short podcast I thought about a young boy I encountered at the Ballard Locks while on a walk with my dog. We were walking up to where the boats go through the locks and I see a dad and his young son about four or five years old. The boy’s face is lit up and he is so happy! He’s yanking on his dad’s hand with such enthusiasm. “Dad… look…. The boats… look at the boats!” I mean – this kid was so excited! His dad was smiling and was clearly happy he had made the right choice for that morning’s activity. I couldn’t help but smile myself as I got a little closer – and that’s when the boy saw my dog, Leo. Now granted, Leo is pretty darn cute – but this kid – well – he TRULY appreciated my pup. Suddenly his attention turns our way. “Dad – LOOK at the dog – Dad! The dog!” The dad smiled and looked