Sound Mind & Body Podcast

70 Hypnotherapist Britt Sheflin Makes Shift Happen



Have you ever been hypnotized? Would you believe me if I told you that we all spend parts of every day in hypnosis? For example, have you ever been driving home and suddenly realized that you don’t remember the drive? That is in fact a level of hypnosis. Hypnosis is far more than just zoning out or being on auto pilot though, and I was able to experience several professional sessions with my guest, Certified Hypnotherapist Britt Sheflin. I can assure you she didn’t make me do anything silly or embarrassing! In fact, Britt explains that no one can be hypnotized to do anything they don’t want to do. It is always under our control. Instead, Britt helps people accomplish goals and make shift happen through her customized one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions specializing in Weight Loss, Sports Performance, Joyous Labor & Childbirth, Vocational Creativity, releasing Fears and Phobias, and more. I hope you find this interview as interesting as I did, and maybe you too will find that being hypnotized can be a good th