Camden Community Radio

Camden Newscast - 20th February 2014



Marita Hutson has been looking into food banks in the locality, talking to users of the service and to Dorothea Hackman of the St Pancras food bank. Freddy Chick discovers that all the earlier supporters of HS2 had been unable to attend the most recent meeting on HS2. Local MP, Frank Dobson set out the range of problems for local people re HS2. Camden Council Leader said that 200 Council homes and a local school would be demolished if the current proceed. Transport for London spoke against the current proposals as did local Stanley Johnson. Political and Legal moves to change the scheme have failed to stop it so far, but the fight goes on. Make your views known using the links on right of this page. Lousie Morris of Central American Women’s Network brings news of human rights abuses by international firms in Guatamala and Costa Rica where they are failing to follow the law that requires consultation with indigenous communities about use of the land, but governments cannot afford to take them on.