Camden Community Radio

On Re- Constructing Democratic Government Somalia



Asha Kin Duale is settled in Camden, where she promotes good child protection practice in local communities. She has recently been to Somalia where she has been helping to create the future peace by being involved with reviewing the new Somali constitution. Here she talks with CCRadio’s Marian Larragy about the history of the Somali nation state; the rise of Islamic fundamentalist thinking in Somalia; the causes and consequences of outside interventions in Somalia; her own history as a human rights lawyer; the source of her knowledge about the Islamic teaching of the Prophet Mohamed; After you have listened to this segment of the interview, click on the links to the right to hear the other segments. How Obliteration of the Democratic Nation State Caused Retreat to InterClan Warfare :: How Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab Have Featured In Somalia :: Sister Somalia :: The Mayor of Mogadishu 2011 :: Hiiraan Online :: Back to Camden Community Radio