Camden Community Radio

What's on in Camden in the Week Beginning 20th January 2013



‘The Secret Listeners’, a performance project based on the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish refugees who worked as Secret Listeners for the government during World War Two is on Sunday 20th January. Monday: comedy from the New Material Flash Mob at The Monarch. Tuesday is Guest night for Cecil Sharp Folk Club. The British Library has an evening of music and performance based around the history of stage hypnotism and hypnotherapy and Camden Arts Centre will be guiding young artists on a one-off trip to visit galleries London. Read by: Mainga Bhima & DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh Researched by: Mainga Bhima Recorded by: DJ Rudeboy P. Tosh Edited by: Marian Larragy Jewish Museum :: Monarch Bar :: Cecil Sharp Folk Club :: British Library :: Camden Arts Centre :: Back to Camden Community Radio :: Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter :: File Download (4:45 min / 4 MB)