Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 34 - Pierre



After delving so deeply into problematic picture books in February, Kate and I deserve a bit of a rest. And what, I ask, could be more restful than carnivorous animals devouring small boys? Particularly when said lions are the product of the inimitable and never imitated Maurice Sendak. This marks Sendak's third appearance on the podcast, and the first time he's shown up with a book that wasn't associated with the Wild Things/In the Night Kitchen/Outside Over There triumvirate. In the course of things we uncover a conspiracy that involves Pierre's parents and the lion. I mean, this thing goes all the way to the top! We also debate whether or not the doctor is a vet or not. Feel free to chime in with thoughts on the matter. Show Notes: - Andrea won't take money from us for this, but she does suggest the charity Everytown for Gun Safety so in addition to that, I figured I'd promote it here: https://everytown.org/ - I kind of want to list all the Home Invasion By Felines books out there. This. The Cat in the