Why We Wander

Episode 47: Food & Travel



As we round out a year of no travel, we are all continuing to find ways to stay connected to the world around us. In this episode, that means through our stomachs! Food, for many, is reason enough to hop on an airplane. And while some of us are lucky enough to live where you can have shakshuka for breakfast, banh mi for lunch and mole for dinner, nothing can compare to the moment you discover a new dish in a new place - or can it? We've also rounded up some links related to topics covered in this episode. To learn more about the history of Brazilian Acarajé, the street food popularized by Afro-Bahian women that Tamara mentions, check out: https://blog.amigofoods.com/index.php/brazilian-foods/brazils-acaraje-dish/ We also talk about diversity in the travel and food programming world. Shannon gives a shout out to Samin Nosrat's "Salt Fat Acid Heat" series (https://www.saltfatacidheat.com/)for bringing a much-needed female perspective to the landscape, and Tamara credits a show called "Late Night Eats," whic