Salescomm Kasvupodcast

#125: Multilingual Content Marketing |English]



Jani Aaltonen speaks at AAC Global Multilingual content marketing event in Stockholm November 2018. - Topics - HubSpot - Flywheel - Crisis in trust - Friction in your customer's journey and how to remove it - Content marketing 2019 The second presenter was Glennon Kiernan-Lahti, Digital Marketer from AAC Global and he spoke about: - What is needed when doing marketing in more than one language? - Lessons learned from doing content marketing in four languages. Practical and easy tips for better-performing multilingual marketing. The third presenter was Leena Peltomaa, Director & Partner from AAC Global and she spoke about: - How do you succeed in multilingual content marketing? - Multilingual SEO: what should you consider when optimizing your marketing content for multiple languages? - What is creative translation (transcreation) and why do you need it? In the questions and answers session (after the keynotes), our presenter's answered audience questions about multilingual marketing prioritization, vi