Somewhere In The Middle With Michele Barard

TedX Speaker Rabbi Yonason Goldson shares his journey toward ethical affluence on Somewhere in the Middle



Rabbi Yonason Goldson shares his search for ways we can communicate with honesty and integrity Yonason Goldson is the director of Ethical Imperatives, LLC. After graduating from the University of California with a degree in English, he hitchhiked cross-country, backpacked across Europe, lived in Israel for nine years, received his rabbinic ordination, then taught high school for 23 years in Budapest, Hungary, and St. Louis, where he and his wife now live happily as empty-nesters. He’s published five books, including "Proverbial Beauty: Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages," and "Fix Your Broken Windows: a 12-step system for promoting ethical affluence." He’s also published hundreds of articles applying ancient wisdom to grapple with the challenges of the modern world and to find fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.