L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford

Season by Season, The Good Works You Were Created For



Hey, Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing God's call to do the works He created you to do.   Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”   The works God calls you to do has everything to do with how He created you - the gift, talents, and abilities He's given you and your new identity in Christ.   However, your calling doesn't unfold according to your plans but according to God's plan and His timing.   In God's plan, you are called to do different things in different seasons. But everything you do for God, big or small is part of the good works God created you to do and His plan for you.   So, don’t despise small beginnings or the ebbs and flows of life that come as you walk out your calling through the different seasons of your life.     Purchase Beautiful Feet Co Apparel   Connect with me: kristapettiford.com YouTube Instagram Facebook