Discipleship In Luke

Bringing it Together (#12)



This is the lesson where the principles introduced so far should begin to merge together into the story of Luke.  Remember, Luke’s original audience were active gentile disciples of Jesus, and their version of church and Christianity was very different than ours, and much more like what Jesus intended.  So it was necessary to help you also understand the nature of discipleship … before we begin to see the text from which it’s taken.    Here I introduce you to the major characters in the gospel: Jesus, his close disciples, “the crowd,” or “the people,” and the religious conservatives, generally called Pharisees and teachers of the law.  It’s easy for us to see the religious people as bad guys, but it’s important to remember that they are the ones with the right doctrine and teachings.    My hope is that from this study of the text you’ll be able to picture yourself imitating Jesus in your own life, at your job, in your school, and with your family.  Can you find a “Simon” at work, and train up a “Peter” who