Discipleship In Luke

Prepare (Lesson #5)



Luke 2 & 3 describes two elements of Jesus’ life that are also true of any disciples’ life: preparation.  This preparation has two aspects: 1) to prepare ourselves for service, and 2) to prepare the way.     John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus – to help people have expectations and be open to his teaching.     Meanwhile, Jesus had been preparing himself for service.  He learned through suffering (Hebrews 5.7-9), he knew the Torah well (as evidenced by his interaction with the Rabbis at the Temple), his parents made it a point to bring their family regularly to the Passover, even at age 12 he was seen as responsible by his parents, he continued to be submissive to his parents, and he grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.  And yet through all of that … Jesus didn’t begin his work until he was thirty years of age.  Even God’s own son took time to prepare himself – and more than we often do.     We must also prepare ourselves and prepare the way.  When “Christians” beha