Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Episode 02 - Marketing Funnel Step 2



Episode 02 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins we take a deep look at why you can create a marketing funnel that doesn't work. What's it lacking? We call it SOUL. What is SOUL in your marketing and why does it matter? 1:35 - What is SOUL in marketing? 4:35 - The role of your personal journey in marketing your business. 5:27 - How to know what your next step is. 7:14 - Is your marketing generic or does it have SOUL? 10:34 - Creating from a place of faith and purpose. 17:27 - Having a point of view in your marketing. 20:20 - How to know if your marketing funnel is working or not. Visit and get your Tracks to Cash video series.