Barking Points Memo

078 — Kyndnez™



Ellen Doubles Down on Giving Social Cover for War Criminals, Blizzard Blows, and DELETE FACEBOOK. Barking Point: What will you download in spite of warnings and physical impossibility? SPONSORS: Gabe Fox, Jake Soot, John Franklin, Lance Leoghauni, LF, Linearscrew, Marty, newdarkcloud, Nik Clarkson, no, PhillyPu, & QuiltinOwl Music from "Bossa Antigua" "Backbay Lounge" "Apero Hour" "Crinoline Dreams" "Awesome Call" "Samba Isobel" "Shades of Spring" "Deuces" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY ( Theme Music: "Barking Point" by Solardog