Yakkin With Nick

Yakkin With Nick Ep.17 First Annual KV Can Jam: Glide Divine



I had the pleasure of attending an event put on at Kings Valley Charter School. Nash(a former guest of Yakkin With Nick) put on KV's first annual Can Jam, where a few artists got on stage to play music. It was a charity event, to get into the event we had to bring a can of food for the food bank. I had a wonderful time and got to interview the artists after the show. The first interview was done with the guys from Glide Divine. They describe themselves as hippy-ish and psychedelic, which is clear in their appearance and sound. I really enjoyed their music and had fun talking to them. Hope you enjoy! Glide Divine doesn't have their work consolidated in one place yet, but here're some links to their work: Logan's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/logan-chapo Evan's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/nothingworld-official 60 Houses Bandcamp(Logan): https://sixtyhouses.bandcamp.com/album/the-worlds-behind-you Nothing World Bandcamp(Evan): https://nothingworldofficial.bandcamp.com/album/great-canon