Honestly Lisa

114: Be Your Authentic Self In Your Boyfriend's Closet feat. Valinda Cochella



Valinda Cochella https://www.facebook.com/SouthBayYoginis/ https://www.yogaalliance.org/TeacherPublicProfile/tid/42143 Teaching Kundalini yoga for 17 years https://www.udemy.com/user/viriamkaur/ Kundulini yoga is the yoga of awareness Clearing out all the things that you are not and coming into the truth of who you really are Joshua Tree Music Festival: http://www.joshuatreemusicfestival.com/  EMDR: http://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/ works on glands, organs, and nervous system mantras Dance Movement Therapist Hatha Yoga works on the musculo-skeletal system Biography of a Yogi: https://www.amazon.com/Autobiography-Yogi-P-Yogananda/dp/8120725247 40,000 years old or ??? sat/nam Truth is my name Kundalini yoga was reserved for the upper class Starting teaching yoga without a certification Yogi Bhajan: http://www.yogibhajan.org/main/ Yogi Teas: https://www.yogiproducts.com/teas/herbal-teas/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtpDMBRC4ARIsADhz5O5Bk5XEIc5VxgKiUeVjfywBxD9xF6juiJ3-SzzqVpY7oPn8dani2wgaAkdbEALw_wcB Healed her in a very deep