Honestly Lisa

096: Am I too Old to be a Digital Nomad? feat. Hannah Dixon



  Hannah Dixon - Digital Nomad (Links coming soon!)  She's currently in Hanoi, although based out of Bangkok. Sardinia, Sicily, Budapest... I want to live your life" - Lisa I think the pros outweigh the cons for sure." - Hannah The digital nomad community is incredible everywhere. They do meet ups for dinner and drinks and such. Hannah is a virtual assistant but is now training other virtual assistants. She's been a VA for three years, and on the road for the last 8 years. She worked at a husky dog center, a farm in Italy, mostly bars and farms. "I think we forget how privileged we are when we just want to "get out of here""- Hannah Why are you moving again? "I don't have a home"- Hannah Do you get sick? Yes I'm a bit more sensitive to that. What's the first thing you tell people who want to transition to this lifestyle? Take your laptop and work on the other side of town all day. If you can do that, then you kind of have an indication already if you can do this thing. Take smaller trips. Go to a different ci