Honestly Lisa

064: Political Activism on Speed Dial feat. Jane Edith Wilson



You can make a change. Lisa gets a lesson in activism. I always saw Jane as someone completely different, I saw her as a Polyanna. But she’s not a Polyanna, she never was. Don’t judge a Polyanna by her cover. The more I do this podcast, the more I learn that my perception of people or the stories I have perceived of people, are actually completely biased and what I want them to be. But the people themselves are actually so much better! “I’m not concerned about hurting Donald Trump’s feelings.” -Jane Edith Wilson #honestlylisa   Follow Jane on Twitter! Show Notes: Temple Beth Hillel NRA - National Rifle Association Magpul 2012 Iowa Caucus Tea Party DREAM Act Encyclopedia Brown Claire’s Boutique Dawn Dolls Hula Punch Lark Cigarettes Taco Bell Canon   “I’m a yogi and I eat meat, and that’s like, a thing.” -Lisa Orkin #honestlylisa “To Lisa, the cry baby of the class” -An excerpt from Lisa’s yearbook #honestlylisa Jane’s Causes:   Women Against Gun Violence Turn the House Blue Mom’s Demand Action Everytown USA C