Nancy At Noon

05 Fix Him or Ditch Him: How to Deal with a Negative Lover/Friend



What do you tell a friend, a lover or a family member who comes into your space and dumps their negativity on you? How much are you going to put up with before enough becomes too much? Do you fix him or ditch him? When is it time to say good-bye How much suffering should we put up with in the name of 'love'? is it compassion, love and caring or guilt and fear that keeps him near? Is he really a friend? Is the decision to keep him around a self-love based decision or do we feel obligated Also in this episode, How can believing in God make my life easier? Anthony is seeking God and wants proof that he exists. Can we discover God through flow charts and graphs? Can I 'think' God into existence with left brain logic? I’ve got some interesting answers for both of these questions. Send your quesitons to and maybe I will answer them live on air!  If you need answers now or help moving through some obstacles in your life, I provide a private email consultation service. Contact me at the same