Stories From The Road

SftR 057: Travel, Craft Beer, and Good Conversations with Living a Stout Life



Ken and April Pishna run the website Living a Stout Life and have a YouTube show called Stout Conversations. Their mission is to travel the country full-time in their RV, searching for interesting stories to share about the craft beer community and the very interesting individuals who make craft beer. In this episode, Sam had the opportunity to interview Ken and April on location in their RV named Raif at the RV Entrepreneur Summit. Tune in for some stout conversations and stories from the road! What we talk about in this episode: 2:00 - What does it mean to live a stout life? 6:00 - Stout Conversations 10:00 - Best beer cities in the US 14:30 - Making the most of life and moving into an RV 19:00 - Stories from the RV Entrepreneur Summit 26:00 - Plans for RVing and Living a Stout Life 30:00 - Advice for others Connect with Ken and April and learn more about this episode here.