Japan Today

March 22, 2019: Child Abuse Ban, Court Murder, Killer Robots, Election Objection and Invisible Man.



In this week's news from Japan Today: The Japanese government approved a plan to legally ban parents and guardians from physically punishing children; an American man was arrested for fatally stabbing his Japanese wife in the neck at family court; Japan plans to back a resolution in the U.N. opposing the creation of “killer robots;” a Hyogo Prefecture former mayor who quit last month over abusive language directed at another official has been re-elected plus the author of “Invisible Man,” Ralph Ellison, visited Japan in 1957 a few years after his iconic novel was published. Rate and review us: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/podcast/japan-today/id517133982?mt=2 Japan Today: https://japantoday.com/ GaijinPot Jobs: https://jobs.gaijinpot.com/ Get updated via our telegram channel: https://t.me/japanthisweek This weeks stories: Child Abuse Ban — https://japantoday.com/category/national/update1-japan-gov't-oks-plan-to-ban-parents-from-physically-punishing-children Family Court Murder — https://japantoday.com/ca