Tamil Audio Books

Ambulimama - 32 - Three Rings - Vedhalam Story - மூன்று மோதிரங்கள் - வேதாளம் சொல்லும் கதை



e-கதை - 32 - மூன்று மோதிரங்கள் வேதாளம் சொல்லும் கதை அம்புலிமாமா கதை Narrated by : Latha S Tamil Audio Books Volunteer We have read 100+ stories to benefit the community as of May 2020. Please do check our playlist and also subscribe. Please see the full Ambulimama Story playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT6hAQFUKsgnQqjpETx5p-cnBcappPfsc Share it with friends and family so they could enjoy what we enjoyed during our childhood days Credits for Content and Ambulimama Photo: Ambulimama, Chandamama publications and artist Music interlude : Pradeep Swaminathan, Music For Years YouTube audio cover: tamilaudiobooks.com Goal is to share stories of great moral value to all email feedback : tamilaudiobooks@gmail.com