Risen Church Nc

The Church: What's On The Inside? - Acts 18:18-19:7



Acts 18 and 19 features a couple of interstitial episodes that are connected by a common theme. These accounts spark a conversation about the purpose of outward forms of worship and devotion and how they relate to the heart of the matter. In this message, we talk about how outward observations and practices are ways that we express our faith, but are only as valuable as what our heart possesses. This is what God is most interested in and most concerned about - what's on the inside? As faithful believers, we guard ourselves from being caught up in religion, and losing sight of what matters most. We don't boast about what we do or how we do it, but rather we rest in why we do it and Who we experience through it. God forbid, we ever settle for having mere wisdom, but lack true passion. Mere head-knowledge does not reflect true salvation, but a true personal relationship with Christ is rooted in heart-possession.