Risen Church Nc

VICTORY : Wonders Among Us - Joshua 3



Before entering the Promised Land, the nation of Israel would face one last test from God. This test was meant to prepare them for and consecrate their hearts so that they may make the most of their life in the land. God brought Joshua and the nation to the Jordan River, which seemed like an impossible barrier between them and where they wanted to be. However, the water would not part like the Red Sea had - this crossing would be different. God commands the nation to begin walking into the rushing, roaring water, and leave the rest to Him. God uses this episode to wire their hearts to Him by faith, and break their sensitivity to and reliance on what they saw and how we felt. Crossing the Jordan River represents a pathway from death to life. What seems like a stumbling block is really a stepping stone. Crossing over the Jordan is a transformative passage, teaching us to rely on the Lord and to find ourselves in Him and His way. What feels like cost, is actually bringing about great gain. Our flesh would